
Attention all troops – active duty, vets, and families on the military PCS rollercoaster!


Sailing Stone Real Estate


Colorado Springs awaits, arms wide open, ready to be your forever home or your temporary landing pad during the PCS shuffle. And Sailing Stone Real Estate is your secret weapon in the housing game.


Colorado Springs is a vibrant and welcoming city with a rich military history.


Military Families

We are home to numerous military installations including the United States Air Force Academy, Fort Carson, Peterson Space Force Base, and Schriever Space Force Base. 

At Sailing Stone Real Estate we understand and appreciate the unique challenges our military families face during PCS relocation or retirement moves. Our Real Estate agents are experienced in helping Military families so forget the stress of navigating VA loans, remote viewings, and unfamiliar neighborhoods alone. We’ve got your back whether you’re stationed halfway across the globe or just landed with your duffel bag and dreams.


Active Military

Remote Viewings & Military-Friendly Neighborhoods

Can’t be there in person? No sweat. We’ll handle virtual tours, negotiate like drill sergeants on a sugar rush, and make sure your PCS housing hunt is smoother than a freshly paved landing strip. Plus, we’ve got the inside scoop on military-friendly neighborhoods and schools, so you can focus on conquering your mission, not stressing about where to lay your head.

Upcoming Moves
and VA Loans

If you have questions about the VA loan process, buying or selling your home from a distance, preparing for an upcoming PCS, or even referrals for a real estate company at your next duty station, Sailing Stone is here to help. If you are an active-duty military service member or family member contact us today. We are here to help.

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You served our country, now it’s our turn to serve you. We’re passionate about helping veterans find their dream homes, no matter what your budget or timeline.


pCS Relocation

At Sailing Stone Real Estate we are here to make your PCS relocation as smooth and stress-free as possible.

PSC moves can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to selling your existing home or finding the perfect home for your relocation move. Our team of experienced real estate agents are familiar with helping families remotely or in person as they navigate their permanent change of station.


Our PCS specialists have an in-depth knowledge of military-friendly neighborhoods. We understand the VA loan process and the ins and outs of using your VA loan entitlement correctly. We offer expert guidance on finding homes close to your base or installation that will check the boxes of your dream home and support our clients with coordinating inspections, appraisals, and closings for both buying or selling your home.

Turning your PCS move into a smooth operation

So, ditch the stress, ditch the confusion, and let Sailing Stone Real Estate be your compass in the Colorado Springs housing jungle. Contact us today, and let’s turn your PCS into a smooth operation.